
Our first Curator of the Month of 2024

Mauro di Battista
January 2024
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Let's kick off 2024 by introducing our first Curator of the Month! This month, we are delighted to have Eren, an extremely active member in both our Slack community and catalog. Hailing from Turkey, Eren has a passion for contributing to a diverse range of music genres, with a particular fondness for alternative rock.

Hello, Eren! Thank you for joining us. Let's begin with the basics—how long have you been contributing to Musixmatch?

Hey! Thank you so much for having me! I joined the community in May 2022. Shortly after, I took the Curator's Test and officially became a Curator in July of the same year.

Could you share your favorite aspect of Musixmatch or a memorable experience from the community?

My top favorite thing about Musixmatch is tied between two. One of them is being able to listen to music with lyrics, I really love to sing along while listening to music, and Musixmatch is what gives me that chance! The other is getting to meet all kinds of polite and fascinating people and have chats with them time to time. These two really help whenever I need some escape from the stress of my educational life, and provide some comfort and freedom.

I've started learning Italian recently, and I found out I can more easily expand my vocabulary with the translations of lyrics I love. I also can't help but mention small chats and compliments from other people on our community are genuinely great experiences, too.

That's wonderful! Congratulations on studying Italian. Is there a particular song or album you recently added lyrics to that you are particularly proud of?

I've recently added the lyrics to a new record of my favorite band, Boğaziçi by mor ve ötesi. They have an ideology behind the music they make, and I'm proud to have a small part in spreading their work.

One last question – is there a music festival or event you'd love to attend or are simply a fan of?

The Glastonbury Festival in the UK is what I had in mind. The festival welcomes hundreds of thousands of people every year, and they raise donations to charities with their incomes. We experienced a destructing earthquake a year ago near the Turkey-Syria border, and they had a part on the donations for the response. That is how I heard of the festival.

Thank you, Eren, for being with us and for your outstanding contributions to our community of music enthusiasts!

Mauro di Battista
Pragmatic dreamer and lyrics passionate, connected to this world but always with my headphones on and my thoughts in space. In the eight hours per day that I'm in reality, I share, I care, and I communicate with our great community of music lovers.
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