Community Q's

What is ‘Hit-Saving’?

Tim Naylor
February 2024
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Welcome to a brand-new segment of Connected, which we’ll dedicate to answering the most frequently received questions from you, our wonderful community.

We begin with the response to a question which we’ve received a lot particularly this week from our Curator team - ‘What is Hit-Saving’? This is a really important question, and we’re happy to answer it here!

'Hit-Saving' is a damaging and abusive nature of curating and submitting contributions. The term was coined by our Community of Curators and Specialists, and is now frequently used around the Slack Workspaces by all types of users.

Put simply, Hit Saving is when a contributor re-submits an existing transcription without making necessary corrections; when they literally hit the save button, without editing existing errors.

Some users think that they're only ‘responsible’ for the content they directly transcribe, sync, or tag. This is not the case. When you submit a task, you put your name to all areas of it being correct. That means that if there are errors in the lyrics transcription that you haven't corrected, they will be attributed to your account.

It's for this reason that it’s so important that you're really careful about only submitting a task when you're confident that all areas of it are correctly curated.

Hit Saving is an action that results in the direct-downgrade of a Curator status. This is because of how damaging it can be for our lyrics catalog and community. We of course never want to downgrade any Curator, so warmly encourage all contributors to make sure they're avoiding 'Hit Saving' within their contributions.

So there it is! The answer to this edition’s Community Q - ‘What is ‘Hit Saving?’. We’ve also added a dedicated support article on this issue inside our Community FAQs folder. Check it out for answers to other frequently asked questions!

Tim Naylor
Working alongside our amazing community to help us all keep singing in tune and dancing in time!
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