Techie News

Performer Tagging: what’s new?

Tim Naylor
February 2025
This is some text inside of a div block.

Performer Tagging is one of the hot focuses for this year, and our techie team have got off to a flying start already with some big improvements to the system made this month.

URL Searching

We heard your feedback about the difficulty in finding some artists via name-searches alone, and have created a URL field to solve that issue.

This means that even the most commonly-named artists will be easy to find, and therefore easy to tag!

Miscellaneous Tags

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have also noticed the ‘Misc’ tab in the image above. This stands for ‘Miscellaneous’ and it’ll give you a helping hand in those moments where you’re not sure who to tag. For now, one single Misc Tag has been added, the #fanchant, and it can be used to highlight lyrics that are sung by an uncredited group of spectators/audience members. Passages like this are most likely to come up in live versions and K-POP songs.

Clarifications on how to use this tag are available in our Performer Tagging Writing Guidelines. More Misc Tags are planned and will equally be covered in the guidelines once they’re released, so be sure to keep an eye on the page for the latest news!

On songs that already have assigned performer tags, you’ll now also see an option to ‘show them’ on the website. So now the extra effort you put into your contributions is more visible and celebrated than ever!

Performer Tagging remains an optional part of the mission system contribution flow (as opposed to Transcription, Sync, and Structure Tagging which are mandatory) but if you start tagging the performers of the song, the system will prompt you to complete the process before saving. We do generally encourage you to try out the feature within your regular lyrics contributions. As well as being fun and visually satisfying, it’s also a really great way of helping your favourite artists gain the credit and recognition we all know they deserve!

For any and all questions regarding the Performer Tagging process, please feel free to reach out in the Community Slack Workspace. Happy tagging!

Tim Naylor
Working alongside our amazing community to help us all keep singing in tune and dancing in time!
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