Tips & Tricks

Locked Lyrics: a guide to requesting corrections

Tim Naylor
August 2024
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The Lyrics Correction Channel has been closed while we worked on non-mission contribution based maintenance. This was because, without the ability to contribute outside of the mission, contributor’s will not have had any way to correct lyrics once they were unlocked. Now though, with the return of regular contributions, we’re ready to return also the Lyrics Correction process, and we wanted to remind you exactly how it works!

“I’ve found errors in a song with locked lyrics. What should I do?”

Your first action in this case should be to check who the previous contributor was, as this will decide your next steps.

If the previous contributor was among our team of Language Specialists, then you can contact them directly with your suggestions for the song. Their Community Slack contacts are available in the following article, but you can also reach them on the Curator Workspace. Please always approach our Specialists warmly, and be mindful that they’ll ultimately make corrections based on the extent to which they agree with your suggestions.

If the previous contributor was not an active Language Specialist, you can make a post on the Lyrics Corrections Slack channel. This article provides a more detailed description of the steps you should take for specific cases depending on the severity of the errors you’ve found. It also has some examples of well-built reports that you can use as templates to ensure the quickest and most effective results.

We’ll always do our absolute best to deliver the corrections you request, but ask you to bear in mind that there may be cases where we’re sadly unable to help. When lyrics have been added by the Verified Artist of the track, for example, or have come directly from the teams surrounding them, we’re not always in a position to change the transcriptions. 

It’s always worth a try though! We all hold the same deep passion for high quality lyrics contributions, and this process helps us realise that passion across our catalogue. So, next time you find an error in a locked contribution: Detect it, Collect it, Correct it!

Tim Naylor
Working alongside our amazing community to help us all keep singing in tune and dancing in time!
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