Just for fun

Emoji Lyrics!

Tim Naylor
September 2023
This is some text inside of a div block.

Here in our diverse and international community we have many very talented translators and linguists. In September’s Just For Fun quiz, we want to put their skills to the test and challenge them to translate these lyrics, from a prominent pop artist’s come-back song, from Emoji to English! 

Once you’ve done that, submit the song title and artist of the lyrics in this form, for your chance to gain a shout-out in next month’s edition!

The Results!

Should we do it on the phone? Should we leave a little note? No, we’re going to reveal the results of our Emoji Lyrics game right here right now!

The answer was, of course, Single Soon by Selena Gomez!

Well, did you get it!? Many of you who got in touch did, and we’re excited to celebrate you here:

Aparna VM, Kristen, Simone Rancati, Moritz B., Aleyna İrem Taşcı, Addison McIntyre, Tumi, Watermelons, Jen Galvin, Giacomo, Flojo, Sílvia Gironell

That’s it for this Just for Fun game. We all had a lot of fun! Time to find another one in next month’s edition. Stay tuned!

Tim Naylor
Working alongside our amazing community to help us all keep singing in tune and dancing in time!
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