Last month we asked for your feedback about the #JustforFun games of 2024 and March’s Connect 4 was your easy favourite! Connected is all about providing for you, our community, and so we’re starting 2025 with an updated and expanded version of your favourite game.
The 5 songs below all featured on Spotify’s Top 50 - Global chart during January 2025. You just have to figure out what (else) connects them all!
And just to show a little new-year cheer and good will, we’re giving you a clue as well!
Experienced Musixmatchers shouldn’t need to do much research to figure this one out
Think you’ve got the connection? Submit your answer via this form and stay tuned for the answers and shoutouts next month!
And here we are with the results!
We got a lot of very varied answers this month, many of which could be ‘true’ but weren’t exactly what we were looking for. The key here was in the clue - Experienced Musixmatchers shouldn’t need to do much research to figure this one out.
All of the 5 listed songs had titles which break our Formatting Guidelines!
TURiSTA - ‘Turista’ is a regular noun and so should only have a capital ‘T’ if the word begins its sentence
WILDFLOWER - Whole-word capitalization is generally not permitted
gervonta - The title seems to be named after boxer ‘Gervonta David’, and so it should be appropriately capitalized as a proper noun
APT. - Our guidelines encourage an avoidance of end-line punctuation, particularly full-stops/periods!
Good Luck, Babe! - ‘Luck’ and ‘babe’ in this context are regular nouns and so shouldn’t be capitalized.
Congratulations to…
Josh Bledsoe, Die with a smile, Rangga Genta
...who were the only participants to get this one exactly right!
As I said though, there were many other responses which equally weren’t incorrect, so our thanks go out to everyone who participated and gave this one a go!
Stay tuned for a brand-new Just for Fun game next month!